Factors That Affect the Health of Human Cell Membranes

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This paper will research three factors that affect the health of human cell membranes. this paper will outline how these factors affect the health of cell membranes and possible reactions. Cell membranes in your body are made up of specially adapted fats and proteins. It's been discovered that membranes which are rich in polyunsaturated fats are far more vulnerable to free radical attack. Luckily, this is something that can be influenced by diet. Eating more monounsaturated fat in place of polyunsaturates will reduce the polyunsaturate levels in cell membranes, meaning that muscle and red blood cells will be more resistant to damage. One of the commonest sources of polyunsaturated fat in most people's diets is vegetable cooking oil (eg sunflower, corn oil) and , vegetable margarines. Monounsaturated alternatives are olive oil for cooking, and spreads based on olive oil. Therefore, with the right types of fats, your body can use these anabolically. Examples of anabolic processes include the growth and mineralization of bone and increases in muscle mass which is positive news for the fitness needs of clients. [Study Health :Cell Membrane Health. Nature. 2012; available on Ananda S. Prasad, MD, PhD:CAUSE OF MODERN ILLNESSES volume 218 pages 469-471.8 pages 469-471: available on http://george-eby-research.com/html/warning.html Lipid peroxidation- refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids. It is the process in which free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. This process proceeds by a free radical chain reaction mechanism. If not terminated fast enough, there will be damage to the cell membrane, which consists mainly of lipids. Phototherapy may cause hemolysis by rupturing red blood cell cell membranes in this way. As can be clearly seen with skin cancers, these highly destructive free radicals can cause

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