Factor Affecting the Customers’ Determinacy to Return to the Santa Fe Grill Restaurant

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Topic: Factor affecting the customers’ determinacy to return to the Santa Fe Grill Restaurant. Objective: 1. To determine the relationship of the demographics factors that influence the possibility that customer likely to return to Santa Fe Grill. 2. To determine the relationship of customers’ satisfaction and customers’ recommendation towards Santa Fe Grill Hypothesis: 1. Genders differences has no relations in whether they are likely to return to Santa Fe Grill 2. There is no significant relationship between the income level and likely to return to Santa Fe Grill. 3. There is no significant relationship between the people’s age and likely to return to Santa Fe Grill. 4. There is no significant relationship in between distance and likely to return. 5. The influence of other factors on the recommendations of customers. 6. There is significant relationship between customers satisfaction on their likely to return. Theoretical Framework Sample Data was collected from a sample size of 427 consumer, different stages of ages: 18 and older; 29 interview questions. Methodology Independent variables consist of both continuous and categorical whereas dependent variables consist of continuous variable. The main dependent variable in this project was customers’ likely to return. It was measured by 7-point likert scale, from definitely will not return to definitely will return. The question is constructed as x23, which is “how likely are you to return to the Santa Fe Grill in the future?” For the independent variables, it consists of demographic factors and other factors that influence customers’ likely to return and recommendation to friends. Demographic factors are measured in categorical variable, which age, income level, distance of dining place from home and gender have been categorized.

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