Eymp 3 Essay

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1.1 Explain the welfare requirements and guidance of the relevant early years framework, 1.2 Explain the lines of reporting and responsibility within the work setting Welfare requirements were brought in, in September 2008 as part of the EYFS welfare requirements, these are compulsory. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare has a legal requirement and statutory guidance legal requirements cover and providers must take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We must promote good health of all children within our care and take steps to prevent the spread of infection from others within our care and take appropriate action if they become ill. We must ensure that there are suitable people and staffing levels are appropriate to ensure the safety to all children. The premises, environment and equipment must be suitable to cater for all children, these include outdoor and indoor spaces , furniture, equipment and toys and they must be safe and suitable for the children within our care, age/stage appropriate. All safeguarding/admissions/ setting policies must be kept up to date, it is important for all staff to read all policies and procedures. Under the EYFS it is important to observe children during physical play this we do with in the crèche to note the skills for future planning to show, this provides important information on how to support them and provide new activities and equipment to be used. If we have concerns about a child that we feel is a risk then we need to report this to our line manager, if they are not present then we have a safeguarding flow chart that we follow with all the information and telephone numbers regrading this. The line manager is our setting has completed a suitable persons interview with Ofsted. All staff within the crèche have paediatric first aid training and have health and hygiene certificate. In our
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