Explain Why Did Henry Viii Break Away From The Catholic Church

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Why did Henry VIII break away from the Roman Catholic Church? There were many reasons why Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534. In this essay I shall be explaining the Social, Religious, Economic and the Political reasons why Henry acted this way. I shall evaluate which of these reasons I think is the most important and explain my ideas. Henry VII had several reasons for why he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church. One of the reasons why he made this decision was caused by a social happening; anything to do with relationships or family. Here I state the reason of why he came to make the overall decision of leaving the Roman Catholic Church: • Henry VIII needed to have a divorce with Catherine of Aragon,…show more content…
Here I state one of the reasons why he left the Roman Catholic Church: • In the bible it stated that if you were to marry your brother’s wife you would be cursed with no children. However Henry VIII needed a son to take over the thrown when Henry had died – This would not happened though if the curse was put upon them. An economic factor was a large proportion of what made Henry VIII leave the Roman Catholic Church. Economic: anything to do with the money and wealth. Henry mainly left the Church because of his money situation: • Whilst Henry VIII was in a violent war with France, he had run out of money. However Henry needed this greatly, so he could buy the ammunition and equipment needed. He later realized that if he was to make himself the head of The Church Of England then he would get all the church’s money. This would result in the troops being well equipped and fed well. Finally, Henry VII left the church for a political reason; this means anything to do with the running of the country. This political reason overlaps with a social
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