Explain the View That Conscience Is the Voice of God

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17/09/14 - homework Explain the view that the conscience is the voice of God. In order to fully explain the view that the conscience is the voice of God one must first define what is meant by ‘voice of God’. It has been defined as the ‘heavenly or divine voice which proclaims God’s will or judgement’, however, in my opinion the ‘voice of God’ definition should also include divine guidance as the original definition leaves out the idea of God as a guide without his actual voice telling a person the idea. The argument of ‘is the conscience the voice of God?’ often runs into difficulties; this is due to the fact that if the conscience is not the voice of God then what is it? This may also be a problem for Christian thinkers as, if the conscience is not the voice of God it gives moral authority to something outside of God. The existence of a conscience outside of God also strongly contradicts God’s omnipotence, although a Christian thinker may argue against this criticism with the idea that God’s omnipotence may have created a moral guide within ourselves which is no longer ‘God’s voice’ but leads us into making moral decisions. An argument may also be had about the existence of a ‘conscience’, however for the purpose of this essay, the conscience exists as a moral guide. Several philosophers have discussed conscience at great length, including; Newman, Butler and Aquinas. These men all have very different views about the origin of the conscience, however they also have some prominent similarities, for example Newman’s illative sense and Aquinas’ ideas on Synderesis, Conscientia and Phronesis. I will first explain how Newman tackles the idea of a conscience and whether his view ultimately leads to the understanding that the conscience is the voice of God. Newman’s ideas about conscience revolve around his theory of an illative sense. Newman believes that when we
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