Explain The Significance Of Death In The Poem ‘The

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Explain the significance of death in the poem ‘The last night that she lived’ by Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson’s poem ‘The last night that she lived’ is significantly dominated by connotations that reflect the theme of death. The poem reveals her obsession with death through the language that Dickinson conveys to the reader. In the first stanza, Dickinson explains that ‘It was a Common Night.’ This portrays to the reader that it wasn’t an unusual night except for the death of the woman. It also implies that the death has made it a cherishable day which shows the significance of death within the poem as on a common night death was a usual thing as it was cherishable. Within Emily Dickinson’s life, many of her past friends and family past away around her on a regular basis, which could conclude to the reason why death is described as a usual and cherishable thing in ‘The last night that she lived.’ The second stanza reveals the intensity of the poet’s reaction to the death. The quote ‘We noticed the smallest things’ depicts the eeriness that is in the environment as death has caused everything to become still which makes the narrator notice the minor details. The quote also shows that after a death, people see the environment from a different perspective due to the emotions causing the smaller things to take emphasis. The third stanza discusses the poet's feelings about death. It portrays the poet's jealousy of the death Woman because she died peacefully while others has to live and face the ordeals of life. Her preoccupation with death is seen when she states that her jealousy for the death Woman is “nearly infinite”. The next stanza talks about how the Woman passed away without much trouble. It took place in a short time and the whole experience “Jostled “her. This had a disturbing influence on the poet. The fifth stanza portrays how the Woman died

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