Explain the Role of Ronald Reagan in the End of the Cold War

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Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981 and re-elected in 1985. He entered US presidency after the Détente policy of 1962 to 1979, a policy that he considered as being a sign of American weakness and vulnerability. In a 1981 conference, he said: "So far détente's been a one-way street that the Soviet Union has used to pursue its own aims. Their goal must be the promotion of world revolution and a one world communist or socialist state." Instead of the Détente, Reagan wished for a peace built by America’s economic and military power. Ronald Reagan’s policies were based on the ideologies of spreading freedom and democracy around the world to block the advancement on Soviet Communism. He promoted democracy and all its qualities to countries throughout the world including the Soviet Union. His peaceful policies significantly contributed to the end of the cold war. Reagan detested the oppression of Marxism-Leninism and in 1982 he gave a speech at the British parliament during which he expressed the hope that it would end up “on the ash heap of history”. On March 8th 1983, he gave his “Evil empire speech” referring to communism as “the focus of evil in the modern world”. He also though had a very positive and optimistic view about the strength of democracy and the weakness of communism. After the death of three different Soviet leaders, Reagan finally found Gorbachev someone he could do business with. He was respectful with this new soviet leader and led more or less peaceful relations with him. This relationship led to many peace-related agreements which then played a role in the end of the Cold War. Reagan’s election was at the heart of the Euromissiles crisis a crisis beginning in 1977 during which The Soviet Union used loopholes in the SALT I Treaty (1972) to install SS-20 missiles on their territory. These installations gave the Soviet Union a certain superiority so
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