Explain the Relationship Between Conflict and Identity

321 Words2 Pages
Explain the Relationship between Conflict and Identity Identity is what separates us as individuals, and what joins us together as a community. It can be determined by conflict, or cause conflict. Personal trials throughout our life are said to “build character”, yet personalities will clash and cause problems. All this is involved in growth and evolution. Character growth is an aspect in any novel, especially Flowers for Algernon, which covers the topic extensively. The conflicts involved in the beginning of Charlie’s story were one’s that “built character”. Because of his experiences, he grew the determination to become more intelligent. A crucial event took place in the pub, when Charlie realized it was he who the others were laughing at. He felt little self-worth. He didn’t like the person he was and felt ashamed, so he tried even more desperately to change. As Charlie got smarter each day, his peers began to feel uneasy. As the gap of intelligence widened between him and society, his being higher this time, things even became awkward with his former teacher Miss Kinnian whom he had great feelings for. When Charlie received the petition filled with signatures from his colleagues requesting him to leave, the clash of personalities was apparent. While in a pub, Charlie witnessed the abuse of someone with a low intellect, similar to how he used to be. He became furious, and then in an instant he returned to the beginning of the cycle, where conflict determines identity. There is something to be realized here – it wasn’t a level of intelligence that caused discrimination, but the gap between a person and the rest of society. There is either a gain or a consequence in these situations; we can grow to become better people, or, become a victim of assimilation and lose sight of our own identity. Either way, we’re all individually part of a global community that’s

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