Explain the Different Ideas About the Existence of the Soul and Its Relationship with the Body

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Explain the different ideas about the existence of the soul and its relationship with the body There are many different views on the existence of the soul and whether or not there is one, and if so, how exactly it interacts with the body. This issue is widely debated both among atheists and theists and it is such a disputed topic that even within groups there are factions that share the same core values but with differing applications. One theory is held by the materialists, who’s basic view of the materialist is that the body is the only entity and that when the body dies, personal identity ceases to exist because there is no personal existence. They believe that the body is one thing - material, and in varying degrees, everything within us can be reduced to something material. There are two main types of materialism - hard and soft. Hard materialists believe that everything that occurs is nothing but a material moment, it is what it literally is, like sound for example. They would argue that a ‘nice song’ as a song is basically a series of sound vibrations, or that love is an internal animal instinct that we simply have - it is nothing more than humans attempting to fulfil the need to reproduce and replicate our genetics. This is a ‘reductive’ argument. Soft materialists agree to a point but their key belief is that everything emerges from the physical, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that everything can be reduced to the physical. They would argue that material is the base of everything and the mind emerges from the material - this is backed up by the example that while there would be no thoughts without brains, thoughts can’t be simply reduced to the brain as a material object. Gilbert Ryle is an advocate of Materialism and argues that talking of the soul is a ‘category mistake’. He argues that the soul is not a quantifiable phenomena that can be

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