Explain the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development and Why the Difference Is Important:

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Question 1.2: Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important: It's important we know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps us to meet each child's individual needs and abilities. Sequence of development: This is the order that children will develop and it usually follows the same basic pattern. All areas of development are linked together, for example a baby cannot start to finger feed until she/he can sit up and is developing the ability to pick things up between their fingers and thumb. Or a child cannot learn to run until they can walk. Developments will vary in each child which leads us to - Rate of development: This is the speed at which each child reaches all the important milestones in their life and how slowly and quickly their bodies develop. This will vary in all children but again tend to follow the same pattern, for example one baby may walk unaided at 10 months while another may not accomplish this milestone until 18 months. Another example in adolescence could be one girl may start her period at 11 whilst another may be 14, reasons for this could simply be their bodies are developing at a different rate but both will reach that important stage at some point. In some cases there will be underlying factors why children are not developing at the expected rate and this will be explored further in question 3.2. It is important to understand the difference between sequence and rate of development because while the sequence is the order in which children develop and generally the same the rate which it takes to reach these developments can change considerably for some children and this is what parents/carers/health professionals need to keep an eye on. Examples of slow development can be due to a disability, social background or poor

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