Explain Mercantilism

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Lizzy Long 1)After rocky beginning,success finally rewarded the exertion of France in the New world.In 1608 France established the beginning of a vast empire in Canada when they founded the city of Quebec on the St.Lawrence River. 2)In 1754 the government of Virginia ushered George Washington , a twenty-one year old Virginian,onto the stage of history.He was sent to the Ohio country as a lieutenant colonel in command of about 150 Virginian militiamen.Encountering a small detachment of French troops in the forest about forty miles from Fort Duquesne,the fired the first shots of the French and Indian War.(also known as the Seven Year War) In 1755 the English sent General Baddock, with a strong detachment of British regulars.to move…show more content…
Answer:One of the main reasons is that the New World presented people with an opportunity to earn a decent living and perhaps even to become wealthy. Mercantilists wanted to possess more colonies to possess more wealth. Another reason that people traveled to the New World was to acquire land. What was the only colony planted by England? Answer:Georgia How were the other twelve planted and financed? Anwser: They were founded by trading companies,religious groups,or land speculators. Explain mercantilism. Answer:Mercanteilism is about possessing more wealth,because wealth was power and that a country’s economic wealth would quite often be measured by how much gold or silver was stored in its national treasury. What was the purpose of the Navigation Law of 1650? Anwser: To rival Dutch shippers who interfretted into the American carrying trade. Explain the Stamp Act and the affect it had on the colonists. Anwser:The Stamp Act the legislation that requires a tax to be paid on the transfer of certain documents and certified payment of tax.The act mandated that most printed materials (the stamp act is basically the tax on newspapers and such) in the colonies be produced on the stamped paper made in…show more content…
Anwser:Issued in 1766 ,the Declaratory Act asserted that Britain's American colonies were subordinate to the British Parliament as well as to the British Crown,it was also for the better securing the dependency of his Majesty's dominions in America upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain to guarantee the absolute sovereignty of Britain over its American colonies. Why did the British troops open fire on the Boston citizens and how many people were killed or injured in the “Boston Massacre”? Answer:Having seen the townspeople acted angrily and without order,the British troops was really overwhelmed and nervous so they opened fire. 11 citizens were killed. Why did the Boston Tea Party took place and what the results were? Answer:The Boston Tea Party was caused by the taxes imposed on colonists by the British. he Boston tea party occurred at the Boston harbor in Boston, Mass. In 1773 the colonists threw the tea off of a boat in protest of the British taxation. What was the most important response that came as a result of the”Intolerable Acts?” Answer:The acts triggered outrage and resistance in the thirteen Colonies,thus led to the American
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