Explain How the Rossetti Siblings Attempt to Convey Intense Emotion in the Two Poems

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Explain How The Rossetti Siblings Attempt to Convey Intense Emotion in the Two Poems? In both of the Rossetti siblings’ poems they use expressions to display intense emotion. In Christina’s poem the feelings are very positive, however, in her brother, Dante Gabriel’s, poem the emotions are quite the opposite. In ‘A Birthday’ the main body of the poem is filled with comparisons, the first stanza is describing the feelings in the narrator’s heart using references to the natural environment, ‘ My heart is like a singing bird whose nest is in a watered shoot.’ The last two lines of the stanza show that the emotions she is feeling are even more intense than these wonderful examples. She then explains why; ‘Because my love is come to me.’ The emotion that she is feeling is love, and she is suggesting that it is greater than the emotion she feels for other wondrous things. During the second stanza, the images of nature become more exotic and less realistic. It is as though the poet is going into a land of fantasy and is lost in the elation that she is feeling, ‘Raise me a dais of silk and down; Hang it with vair and purple dyes.’ The poem is drawn to a conclusion in the last two lines; she makes it apparent that she is more elated than all the things that she describes because her love is coming to visit. She seems to explain the intense excitement by suggesting that it is, ‘the birthday of [her] life.’ As though it is the best birthday celebration she could hope for or even the start of a new life. ‘The Woodspurge’ is a poem in which Dante Gabriel also uses reference to nature, however he appears to be somewhat less happy. The poem doesn’t give any evidence towards what has made him so miserable, but the way that he written the poem conveys his state of mind because of the lack of ambitious words and descriptive passages, ‘The wind flapped loose, the wind

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