Explain How the Role of the Teacher Changes in the Process of the Child’s Growing Normalisation (Socialisation).

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Montessori teachers should be able to pass beyond childrens “naughtiness” in order to help them through the path of normalisation. S/he aims to rectify any deviations that occurred before children arrived in he/his class, to send them normalised into the next stage of his life. In this essay, the maturational process of normalisation will be highlighted and a definition of normalisation linked to the concept of deviation will be given. In addition, the importance of a favourable environment and teacher’s role will be discussed. Finally, the concept of regression will be approached. Maria Montessori identified three planes of development each lasting 6 years starting from birth to 18 years old. The first plane is from birth to six; it is referred to as “the Absorbent mind” (Montessori, 2007a), it is divided into the spiritual (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a) and the social embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a) stages. During the spiritual phase (birth to 3) s/he is pushed by his/her inner drive: “the horme” (Montessori, 2012) and his/her new knowledge is absorbed and stored by the child unconscious memory: “the mneme”. From three to six years old (social embryonic stage), the child unconscious brain slowly become conscious and “the will” (Montessori, 2012) replaces the horme. At this stage the child, if left to follow his/her drive, starts to imitate adults, becomes increasingly independent, researches perfection, and engages in moments of intense concentration. This concentration resulting from his/her “work” (Montessori 2012) combined with the psychic development, leads to the formation of his/her character. This is not a sudden process, but an on-going work, and if the child has been able to follow his/her natural path, s/he will flourish into a normalised social being (Montessori, 2012). The term normalisation is used by Montessori to describe the unseen

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