Explain Cause of Clients Symptoms and Construct a Hypnoanalysis Treatment Plan and Required Outcome

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Jan 2011 2080 words "Explain Cause of the Clients Symptoms and Construct a Hypnoanalysis Treatment Plan and Required Outcome." Mrs S is in her mid 50’s married with no children. Has some long term health issues and has recently retired from work. But has a full life with hobbies, friends and voluntary work. She has always struggled with her confidence and belief in her own skills and abilities but doesn’t know when it first started but always seemed to have been that way. She came from a large family and many times there were 8 children in the home as her parents fostered children. Mother was always busy running the family home and father worked long hours. Father was very critical of everything/anything. The boys of the family were always encouraged to do well but the girls were always told by the father they would never amount to much as they weren’t very bright and it didn’t matter anyway, so were never supported/helped. Schooling was a struggle and was at times bullied by bigger girls. She was repeatedly told by a teacher in her primary school years that she was useless and would never amount to much unless she pulled her socks up and made an effort. Secondary schooling followed the same pattern. She wanted to be a teacher/engineer but her father scoffed at that idea so she left school at 15 to work in an office as a clerical worker. In her working life she always shied away from promotion and was always just the assistant although offered promotion several times. Initial Consultation: Complete consultation form and usual initial consultation details. More detailed history with client, background, family life, state of main relationships and present situation. Any gaps specific questioning, and clarification. Look for indicators of repression including losses that client has suffered, not only death but job losses, relationship losses etc. Emotions

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