Expensive Schools vs Cheaper

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Expensive Schools vs. Cheaper Schools Each year more and more colleges are starting to increase their tuition for each student. As a result students are struggling to find that kind of money and now have to take out loans. Once students take out loans they are leaving school with a ton of debt. With education becoming so vital for jobs, why are schools making it harder and harder to afford school? Over the past year I have done college searches to find a school I could afford. Researching different schools has only left me with one question. That question is, is it worth going to an expensive school rather than a cheaper one? I have always wondered what it was like to attend a school that costs 60,000 dollars a year. What do those students receive that other students receive at a cheaper schools? Many people say that going to a more prestigious school will earn you more money, get you into better programs, or even make you better connections for the future. Are these schools actually using your money to provide you with a better education? The answer to that is yes, these schools are said to have so me of the best professors in the country. Class size is also a very important factor, and these schools promise that you will receive the highest level of education possible. At most of these institutions, they also have a wide assortment of classes that they offer. This is very important because now students have an opportunity to choose classes that they are very interested in. It also will help the student become more well-rounded. Along with classes, most of these schools have the latest technology out there. Computers, projectors, and smart boards are in almost every classroom now a days. This type of technology really benefits the students and will help them learn better. I have noticed that a lot of very successful business men have graduated from a

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