Exercise 20 Essay

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Name: Suma Pole Class: HCT-362V Hypothesis Testing 06/26/2015 EXERCISE 20 Questions to be graded 1. Which patient scored the highest on the preoperative CVLT Acquisition? What was his or her T score? Patient 3 scored highest on the preoperative CVLT Acquisition with a T score of 62. 2. Which patient scored the lowest on postoperative CVLT Retrieval? What was this patient's T score? Patient 4 scored lowest on the postoperative CVLT Retrieval with a T score of 23. 3. Did the patient in Question 2 have more of a memory performance decline than average on the CVLT Retrieval? Provide a rationale for your answer. Yes; the average drop in CVLT Retrieval T scores was 9.6, representing a decline on average of 20% from baseline score. The drop in CVLT retrieval T scores for patient 4 was 21 points representing 52% from baseline score thus this patient had a memory decline that was twice that of the other patients. 4. What is the mean (X) and standard deviation (SD) for preoperative T score for CVLT Acquisition? X= 45.9 SD= 5.2 5. Is the preoperative Retrieval T score for Patient 5 above or below the mean for the norm of the group? Provide a rationale for your answer. Patient 5 had a preoperative Retrieval T score above the norm group mean, since her T score = 52 and the preoperative retrieval norm group meant T score = 47.8 6. Assuming that the distribution of the preoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T scores between what two values? 68% of the scores for the preoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores were between (42, 53.6). Formula for 68% of the scores for a distribution is: 47.8 + 5.8= 53.6 47.8 – 5.8= 42 7. Assuming that the distribution of scores for the postoperative CVLT Retrieval T scores is normal, the middle 68% of the patients had T

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