Exempting Religious Groups In The United States

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The very first words of the Bill of Rights read: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Exempting religious organizations from paying taxes is a clear case of our government "respecting an establishment of religion,". My proposal requires religious organizations involved in the political arena to pay an income tax. Religions organizations HAVE evolved, yet laws have not. The actions of religious groups can now be considered a public service. They help communities and provide much of the volunteer work in the nation. On the other, more extreme side, SOME religious organizations have (SOUGHT TO GIVE THEIR BELIEFS THE FORCE OF LAW)become a biased institution, forcing a minority’s beliefs on an entire country.…show more content…
Many of these groups are among the wealthiest organizations in the world. This is a very significant amount of revenue! By 1971, the amount of real and personal property owned by U.S. churches was approximately $110 billion. A 1986 estimate showed religious income in that year slightly over $100 billion, or about five times the income of the five largest corporations in the U.S. All tax free. In the history of civilization NOTHING has been this profitable and completely tax exempt. To deny that said tax exemption is a meaningful public subsidy is to put forth an absurd proposition, yet it is exactly this type of logic by which our courts and congresses have upheld religious tax exemptions time and time again. With this logic and these laws set in place, it is hard to believe that America can move forward ethically or

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