Examples Of Nobility In Huckleberry Finn

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Throughout the novel, we read numerous examples of characters of high moral qualities acting nobly in order to benefit someone in need. These actions take many forms: from lying, to taking physical action. Huckleberry Finn, for example, is a spontaneous liar, but as you examine what he says, you see that it is only to keep himself and Jim out of danger. He is not lying to hurt, but to keep the promises he has made. Without his lying, he would have to witness Jim’s capture and return to slavery. We do not only see Huck lie while he is noble. We see him take back the money that Mary Jane had given to the king and Duke to invest for her, and place it in the coffin of the deceased Wilks brother who is held in their home, with the intent to tell Mary Jane the truth about the thieves and the location of the money. Finally, we see Huck overcome the largest challenge of all: racial…show more content…
He plans to tell Mary Jane the location of the money. “I felt so ornery and low down and mean, that I says to myself, my minds made up; I’ll hive that money for them or bust.” Huck sees the wrong in assisting the frauds that are stealing from the Wilks sisters who have not only suffered the loss of family, but have also been kind to them. He knows that he is the only one who can change things and feels that he has a moral obligation to the Wilks sisters to get the money back. During the night he decides to sneak into the King and Dukes room to try and find the money. He finds it, but because there are many people in the home, he finds it difficult to find a suitable place to hide it. “…The only place I see to hide the bag was in the coffin.” Huck knew that at the very least, the money would not fall into the hands of the King and Duke. The money will eventually be discovered when the coffin is dug up and opened in order to identify who are the “real” Wilks

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