Examples Of Equality Of Opportunity And Discriminatory Practice

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Equality of Opportunity and Discriminatory Practice Discrimination: There are a number of different ways that people can be discriminated against in the health and social care services as well as in everyday life. Some forms of discrimination are clear to see use of racist language for example, but others are more subtle or discrete. Some of the ways in which discrimination can be presented are: Avoidance - not going close to someone because they are different, Devaluing - failure to recognise achievement or unfair criticism, Verbal abuse - use of offensive or insulting language, Physical abuse - assaulting a person causing them physical harm, Negative body language, Neglect and poor care. •Direct Discrimination: This means that…show more content…
The effects of discrimination: Discrimination can affect people in variety of ways. Carers have to be very careful not to discriminate against service users as it could have a negative effect on their health and well-being. As carers, you will need to make sure that prejudices, stereotypes and labels do not interfere with the care you provide. Discrimination that results in abuse can have permanent and extremely damaging effects on people. Al forms of discrimination will harm service users. Discrimination can affect all aspects of a person’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social health and well-being. Some of the effects of discrimination are shown in below: .Withdrawal from other people .A loss of confidence in own abilities .A feeling of not belonging in the care setting .Feeling Devalued .A Feeling of not being ‘worth anything’ .Stress .Poor mental health .Depression and anxiety, or anger and

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