Example Of Pride In Dante's Inferno

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DANTE’S PURGATORY “O Christians, arrogant, exhausted, wretched, whose intellects are sick and cannot see, who place your confidence in backward steps…why does your mind presume to flight when you are still like the imperfect grub, the worm before it has attained its final form?” (Purgatorio 10. 121-128) Dante and Virgil take visit the first terrace which is revolved around pride and as we know pride is recognized as one of the most terrible sins that will lead one to hell (Inferno) because pride is revolved around the concept of greed and loving oneself to the extent of being oblivious of the accomplishments of others. Not only is pride one of the most notorious sins in both the Inferno and Purgatory but recognized as one of the most seven deadly sins according to the…show more content…
Lucifer’s fall was due to him rebelling against God’s authority with the assumption of feeling entitled to the glory and power of God. The building of the Tower of Babel was an example of pride on behalf of King Nimrod of Babylonia; the purpose of the giant construction project was based on an egocentric mentality of the Babylonians. Assuming that they can make a name for themselves due to the fact that they share one language, live a lavish life and decide to create a huge tower—God punished the population by making them incomprehensible to one another (the beginnings of a new language and eventually ethnicities) In the inferno Dante meets King Nimrod and was told by Virgil that this individual deserved all the punishments that came with being in hell and in the Purgatorio we see how Dante pities the prideful penitents who are burdened with enormous sized stones on their backs which force them to keep their heads bowed as a way “belittling”

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