Example Of Method Acting

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Method acting is a step to far. Definition of method acting: A technique of acting in which an actor aspires to complete emotional identification with a part. As with most things there are good and bad sides to everything, method acting is no exception to this rule, throughout this essay I will highlight both the good and the bad points of method acting, examples of how it is taken too far, and examples where without “the method” the end result would not have been as good. But firstly I would like to explain what is meant by Stanislavski’s method, and a brief history of “the method” The Method Stanislavski’s method was developed in the early 20th Century, in Moscow, Russia at the Moscow Art Theater. The method was meant to help the actor create a realistic portrayal of a character, by becoming the character, by having an understanding of the exact motives and objectives of the character at all times. Many actors have used the method and swear by the method, actors such as Daniel Day Lewis, Marlon Brando, Robert De Nero, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Edward Norton, Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. But sometimes actors can go far in becoming the character, putting their career and sometimes their lives at risk. An example of an actor who went too far is Christian Bale in the movie “The Machinist”. The machinist is a movie about Trevor Reznic (Christian Bale) who suffers from Insomnia, he has not slept for over a year and his Fatigue has left him with a very shocking deterioration his physical appearance and mental health. He believes his workmates have conspired against him and he loses his job, then becomes obsessed with cleanliness. For the role of Trevor, Bale lost a severe amount of weight. Before the role, Bale had a muscular and buff physique as is seen in the movie Equilibrium, which was released in 2002. After “Equilibrium”, Bale started

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