Examine the Role of the United States in the Outcome of the Cuban Revolution

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Examine the role of the United States in the outcome of the Cuban revolution= The ties and tensions between Cuba and America are historic; with America’s aid Cuba was able to assert its independence from the Spanish colonies. Yet the United States were eyeing Cuba carefully, they saw not only economic and commercial opportunities but they saw their manifested destiny of expansion. As explained by future President John Quincy in 1823, Cuba is a natural appendage of the North American continent . There are many ways in which the United States affected the outcome of the Cuban revolution but the main three is the economic and political influence the United states had over Cuba since the 1700s, the use of containment and other cold war policies implemented by the united states which forced Cuba into the arms of the Soviet union dramatically influencing the outcome of the revolution and Americas actions in Latin America and elsewhere in the world. Cuba is located only 90 miles off Florida with harbours in strategic position for enemies to threaten war or conversely for America to use as a first line of defence. Not only this but through the idea of manifested destiny the extension of American boarders would seem only natural. The relationship between the two countries dates back to the 1700s with illicit trade and quickly evolved into the States becoming the primary market for exports from Cuba and also the primary source of imports into Cuba . The relationship only intensified thereafter with the expansion of trade making America and their corporations essential to Cuba’s economic life. This economic linkage created a longstanding bond between the Cuban white elite and the American business world . The United Sates economic interest in Cuba therefore was likely to influence the outcome of the Cuban revolution. In the late 1940s and 50s Cuban foreign investment was
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