Examine the Different Functions Performed by the Family for Individuals and Society.

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George Murdock is seen to be one of the main sociologists that look into the functionalist theories. He is the one who has created the four basic functions to a family. First of which is ‘reproductive’ this means for a family to create new people i.e. having children this can also be seen as procreation. There is the sexual function which means regular sex. Educational function is where cultural and other values are passed and learnt through generations. Finally there is the economic function that shows the adult to care and provide shelter for their family, keeping up the maintenance of them. Murdock saw these functions to be helpful for society and for the individual as they are setting standards and morals. Each of these functions is seen to support the society in a varied amount of ways. For example when looking at reproduction (procreation) it is important that people carry on having children for society, as it needs continuous new members to ensure its survival. This is one of the most important functions, as the child is being brought into society, and contributing something too it. The educational function to an individual and to society for example is good for both as children are now learning the norms and values of life, when the child is older they will know the rights and wrongs to fit in, in life and within society. The family gives children a stable environment that they are able to learn and grow from. This benefits the society as children are not growing up to be horrible, and to treat others poorly, but have learnt what is wrong and right now knowing how to behave. Sexual functions can be viewed as helpful to society as it also like the educational function teaches normalities, for example the normality here would be what age it is acceptable for sex, and when it is acceptable. Finally when looking at the Economic function, it is seen to
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