Evolutionary Explanations Of Gender Behaviour Essay

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Discuss the evolutionary explanation of gender behaviour Evolutionary psychologists take the view that gender roles are the outcome of evolutionary pressures of natural and sexual selection, which took place in the EEA (environment of evolutionary adaptation). It is argued that our gendered behaviours are not a matter of choice they exist because they provide a means of reproductive success. The traditional division in hunter-gatherer societies of women spending their lives pregnant and producing milk etc whilst men hunt is considered to hold adaptive advantage for the group. Kuhn and Stiner (2006) propose that such gender divisions lead to the survival of homo-sapians and explain why Neanderthal man failed to survive. This division of…show more content…
Taylor et al (2000) proposed that this is the outcome of different pressures faced by men and women in the EEA. Much of the support for the evolutionary approach comes from historical records, experiments, observations, questionnaires, comparative studies and cross-cultural studies. A main criticism of the evolutionary approach is that it is based on speculation, in other words there is no conclusive evidence. Tzedakis et al 2007 argues the death of the Neanderthals may not in fact have been due to maladaptive divisions of labour but rather climate change in Europe around 30,000 BC. Evolutionary explanations help to explain sexual behaviours like promiscuity and choosiness but Sternglanz and Nash (1998) argue that promiscuity on the part of males holds no value in terms of reproductive success. The Clark and Hatfield studies, which show that women are less willing to engage in casual sex, have also been disputed. Explanations for sexual styles may have less to do with biology and evolution and more to do with cultural changes in society. Cassidy argues that the evolutionary psychology tells us nothing about homosexual or lesbian relationships, which are
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