Evolution Of Oil And Gas Extraction

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History of onshore oil and gas technology evolution Many different companies and corporations are involved in oil and gas industry. Some of them are engaged in oil and gas exploration, some extract this raw materials from the earth, another transform it into products suitable for use and sell. [1] At the picture below I’ve presented the process of oil and gas production how I see it. Oil and gas production scheme: 1 – Exploration, 2 – Drilling wells, 3 – Extraction, 4 – Transportation, 5 – Refining, 6 – Distribution FMC Technologies Company is involved in process of oil and gas extraction. At the 1st task I'll look over the evolution of oil and gas extraction technology, but also I’ll pay attention to the drilling development. Based on your wide knowledge about all of the extraction methods, I’ve just tried to generalize all information and put events to the right sequence. I want to start with the next statement: "Petroleum has been a fundamental driver in the industrial, commercial and political evolution of our society". [1] Actually, oil and gas play a great role in human’s life. Since the ancient times, people have extracted oil and gas to heat their homes, to illuminate streets and to build roads. [2] Even in ancient China people knew about the existence of oil. Special oil wells were drilled, using bits attached to bamboo poles, for its extraction in the 18th century BC. [3] Chinese used oil for lighting, as a medicine and for military purposes. [4] Until the middle of the 19th century primitive methods of oil extraction were used: gathering it with buckets from natural oil seeps or shallow holes dug into the ground; handling of sandstone and limestone, which were saturated with oil and etc. [2], [5] It is generally accepted, that the appearance of mechanical drilling in 1859 in USA initiated the beginning of the oil and gas industry. And almost all

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