Everyday Uses By Alice Walker Literary Analysis

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Use it or preserve it? That is the question, as put forth in Alice Walker’s, “Everyday Uses”, as to whether Mama should give two hand-made quilts to her oldest daughter, Dee, or honor her promise and give them to her youngest daughter, Maggie, for her marriage. I take Mama as being a very simple, realistic minded person (simple as in, “Why turn a porch light on if no one is outside to use it?”, versus the more diminished intelligence version). Everything that Mama and Maggie own in their small clap board shack is used for some purpose, to include the quilts being stored in the bedroom. Although the quilts at the present moment in the story were stored, they were being saved as a wedding present for the younger Maggie. When Dee showed up in the story and started requesting (demanding) to have certain pieces of Mama’s (and Maggie’s) house, it rubbed me the wrong way. This character in the story is introduced as the long lost sister/daughter who basically shunned the family homestead but is now coming back to gather the same memories, not for the tools that they are, but for decoration. Although it can be argued that her intentions may be good, and in trying to keep…show more content…
Then she had told they were old~fashioned, out of style”. As stated earlier Mama is a very literal and simple person, and using the quilts for the sole purpose of a quilt was just fine with her. It probably seemed a little odd to her that her daughter who had in the past snubbed her offer to use the quilts, would now want to display them. Furthermore, I agree with Mama for hoping that Maggie would use the quilts for their intended use(s). In her upbringing, it can be posited that something can be used until exhausted and then another one would be made (from scratch and by
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