Everyday Use By Alice Walker Essay

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The Black Story The future builds upon the past. More specifically the history of one’s culture allows them to create a better sense of “self,” which in turn allows them to better plan for their future. In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use,” she explores this notion. Walker is arguing that it is crucial for modern African Americans to keep and preserve the culture and history of their ancestors. “Everyday Use” gives testament to the importance of knowing one’s history through the erratic obsessions of Dee. While through the preservation of cultural history, one may create better futures for those people of tomorrow; Walker also utilizes Dee’s wandering behavior and college education as an instrument to illustrate the miseducation and redirection of African American heritage. In Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use,” a mother narrates an altercation between her and her daughters; through their disagreement Walker brings to light the urgency to push forward the education…show more content…
She writes in order to redirect the generations of misguided African Americans. Her story preaches to her readers that it is crucial to keep and preserve the culture and history of their ancestors. African American history should be as the quilt in the story; it represents the bond of African Americans, “sewn” together, as patches on a quilt. Each patch represents a different generation bonded through cultural tradition. In the story, the quilt illustrates a tale of the struggle of the family’s ancestors, and just as a piece of stitching comes loose Dee helps her family to learn a lesson that keeps the quilt (a family’s ancestral history) intact by sharing it so that others too may learn to become educated in their history and take pride in it. Walker pushes her readers to continue the practices of those before them. Her short narrative is a call for the advancement of the education of the black
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