Everyday Life in Early America

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CHAPTER 3 Society and Culture in Provincial America CHAPTER SUMMARY As the settlement of English colonies in North America grew and economic success began to take hold, it became evident that the colonists were beginning to develop characteristics that were distinctly “American,” although marked by regional differences. Although they were still transplanted English subjects and still greatly influenced by European ideas and institutions, colonists were also influenced by their specific labor needs, the development of cities, the trans-Atlantic trade, and the changing patterns of immigration. Provincial America exhibited modifications to English medical care, family structure, and technology. American religious thought, education and intellectualism, and scientific pursuits also developed with and apart from European concepts. Within North America, one sees a continuation of the social and economic differences that defined the northern and southern colonies. Although differences in geography, economy, and population gave each colony its own particular character and problems, there remained many common concerns, not the least of which was how to deal with or avoid dealing with British mercantile restrictions. In sum, between 1700 and 1750, Britain’s American colonies began to show signs of becoming less English and more American with each passing year. This chapter explores the larger, soon to be ominous, differences between the colonies and England. OBJECTIVES A thorough study of Chapter 3 should enable the student to understand: 1. The development of colonial labor, including indentured servants, women, and African slaves 2. The differences between Chesapeake society and New England society, and the impact of demography on colonial life, especially family life, in both places 3. The accepted theories and practices of colonial medicine 4. The
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