Every Child Matters

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EVERY CHILD MATTERS Framework: * History why it became about * Why is it central to those working with young people Five positive outcomes: How do you put it into practice every day in your role: The rationale of this policy is in line with the agenda for reform as set in Every Child Matters. Our primary aim is to scaffold the five outcomes of Every Child Matters so that every child in The St Lawrence Academy has the chance to fulfil their potential whilst: * • Being protected from harm, kept safe * • Being encouraged to stay healthy * • Being encouraged to enjoy and achieve. * • Being encouraged to overcome all barriers to achievement, economic awareness. * • Being encouraged to make a positive contribution to our community and to society. S H E E P * Stay Safe * Healthy Eating * Enjoying and Achieving * Economic Wellbeing * Positive contribution Encourage Children to achieve give support and always make positive remarks. If children do not listen properly you can “reword” the question and give praise if they achieve something – reward with stickers. Every Child Matters In 2002 after the death of Victoria Climbie case in Harringay in London came about. The government decided to produce 3 papers for the Childrens Act in 2004 up to the age of 19 years and a person of 24 years with disabilities that they would be protected by this act. Every child is given a chance to reach goals and targets in their development. People who can be involved with children if there are problems: Council, Social Services, CAMHS Children and Mental Health Services. Main focus is always early intervention, stored sense of responsibility to that child. Sharing information between the departments/agencies. Children need to reach their full potential (targets in development). Within my daily duties you have to make sure
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