Evaluation of Starbuck's Sustainability Report

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Starbuck’s Sustainability Report – Evaluation by Smith The first thing I noticed about the company, via the report, is the availability of information. While the report is very smooth, even eloquent, in describing the environmental goals and achievements of the company, it is immediately apparent that Starbucks strives to implement practices and processes that are environmentally responsible. Their commitment to minimize environmental impacts extends into the demands they make on their suppliers. Year by year, Starbucks reviews and modifies processes to ensure their major goals are met – cost effective, environmentally sensitive, efficiency and commitment to the community. I did not find a specific EMS report but reviewed an additional report Global Reporting Initiative Performance Indicators 2011, which had many of the features of the ISO 14001(their Japan office/partner was 14001 certified in 2002). The report included a section titled Environmental Performance Indicators which were directly linked to more detailed reports specific to aspects such as energy conservation, climate change and recycling. I have been reading Starbucks’ sustainability reports for several years and actually review new processes and products as a means to find solutions to problems my organization may be facing (waste reduction, resource conservation and renewable energy). What impresses me most is the company’s commitment to positive change, demonstrated through their constant review of processes and products and their aggressive modification of goals to ensure they are striving to improve upon improvements. If they hit a wall (such as front of store recycling of used coffee cups), they will go so far as to form a team to develop solutions. The team consists of engineers, scientists, industry experts and members of the community. Key focus: * Developing sound
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