Evaluate the Ombudsmen Schemes in the Uk and How They Could Be Enhanced

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Critically assess the effectiveness of ombudsmen schemes and consider how their effectiveness could be enhanced. Ombudsmen schemes in the UK are an undeniably useful administrative feature, helping to bridge the gap between issues of legality and ill practice, or maladministration. Sir Cecil Clothier suggested Parliament had an increasing focus on ‘those problems of individuals which lack a national or international dimension’ in 1986, and Ombudsmen have been described by Drewry and Harlow (1990) as ‘an adjunct to the MP’s traditional and cherished role as grievance chaser on behalf of constituents. In this way, ombudsmen schemes encourage a more wholesome approach to good governance, address issues which may be otherwise overlooked by parliament and assist in the promotion of the principles of good government; good people, good process, good accountability, good performance, and good standards, as identified by the House of Commons PASC in 2009. However, concerns regarding the scale to which ombudsmen schemes are employed by the public, and the special relationship between ombudsmen and parliament have placed uncertainty on their perceived levels of effectiveness, encouraging suggestions from the Law Commission and PASC, to amend the law in an attempt to increase their efficiency. Ombudsmen are generally viewed as having ‘systemic’ powers as well as powers of redress, which means not only are they able to correct wrong doing within administrative agencies, but also identify the issues, and recommend changes to be made so that they do not reoccur. For example In 03-05 ombudsmen received a large number of complaints regarding a benefit system where people were being overpaid for long periods of time, and later being met with unexpected demands for repayment. Instead of looking at the issue singularly, they evaluated what corrective action could be taken to repair

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