Evaluate Research Studies on Conformity

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Evaluate research studies on conformity Conformity is a type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behaviour to adhere to existing social norms. Researchers identify to types of conformity – private or informative and public or normative. Private conformity refers to private acceptance of social norms, while public conformity is overt bahaviour consistent with social norms that are nor privately accepted. Why do people conform? On the one hand, people conform because they are members of social groups. On the other hand people can conform not to the others, but to norms. People are used as a source of information about what is appropriate in group behaviour. The influence of other people’s opinion on people became a subject of Shetif’s classic experiment in 1936. In the first stage of the experiment the participants were individually asked if the light in a dark room moved and how far it was. The participants were put alone in the dark room. Sherif discovered that the participants established their own personal norms for the judgment – from 2 to 6 inches – and were consistent in making this judgment. In the second stage the participant were put in groups, from 2 to 3, in the dark room and were asked to agree on a judgment. The results showed informational conformity. The participants who individually made an estimate like 6 inches made smaller judgment and vice versa. Sherif’s experiment lacks external validity because the experiment is quite artificial as well as the task given to the participants. Internal validity is high because the experiment was well controlled. The experiment is unethical because the participants were not informed of real purpose. At the same time Sherif’s experiment gave start to lots of further researches on conformity. Private conformity was studied by Crutchfield in 1955. He refined classic Asch’s study

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