European Scramble for Africa

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There were various actions and reactions from Africans in response to the European Scramble for Africa. One reaction was for Africans to be scared of European power and give into what the Europeans wanted. Some people did the opposite and took action against the Europeans by fighting them. They last group of people chose to peacefully reject the Europeans. Documents one, four, and seven are examples of people being scared and doim=ng what the Europeans wanted. Documents five, six, seven, eight, and nine are examples of people taking action and fighting the Europeans. Documents two and three show respectful rejection. One document that would help further analyzation of the documents would be a personal record of the Niger River delta dealings, because it would show how easily the rulers signed. Many Africans were threatened by the European power and just gave into the Scramble without fighting back. In document one landowners just gave away their land to the British government to build the Niger River delta. Although, this document is official and contains no personal report, so they may not have given in all that easily. In document four, Ndansi Kumalo states how the people at first his people surrendered and tried to continue living their normal lives. In document seven, the author writes about how the his people were trying to just be patient and obedient with the Germans. All these may not have been as simple as they seem, but they certainly did not attempt to stop the Europeans. The Europeans did not encounter obedience everywhere they went. In document five an Ethiopian painting shows the Ethiopians dominating the Italians while suffering little to no casualties. However, this was painted by an Ethiopian, so he or she probably tried to make Ethiopia as strong as possible. In document six Yaa Asantewa tells her own chiefs that they women will

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