Ethnicity in the Workplace

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Ethnicity in the Workplace Our nation and our workforce are both becoming more diverse. The share of people of color in the United States is increasing, more women are entering the labor force, and gay individuals are making big contributions to our economy. Proven studies have shown, businesses that embrace diversity have a more ideal future in the workplace than others. A diverse workforce combines workers from different backgrounds which put together experienced and knowledgeable workers in different areas allowing them to be more creative, innovative, and productive. Diversity is a key part to growing a strong and successful workforce. To say the least, a diverse workforce that is successful ultimately helps the company. On the other hand, a huge problem that has arisen in the workplace is diversity that needs intervention. Things like this cause problems that delay the company’s profits. Ethnicity or Cultural diversity is something I think there is a need for intervention. Most people would agree that ethnicity diversity in the workplace utilizes our country’s skills to its fullest and contributes to our overall growth. The outlook of this situation is that it hasn’t happened yet a progress remains slow. Ultimately this is more important than anything else. So much can arise from such things. One bad hire can have a huge effect on morale or productivity. A workforce that has significant differences in ethnicity can produce negative effects especially if not well-managed. These negative effects of diversity are understandable if the work culture does not accept differences. The first problem this implies is communication barriers. When you build a workforce with employees from different cultures and countries, you increase the number of communication filters and language barriers. Some larger organizations hire interpreters to help employees work
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