Ethics of Cheating

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Barry University’s Frank J. Rooney School of Adult and Continuing Education Assignment Submittal Cover Sheet Assignment for Course | ADM 545 | Submitted to: | Dr. Debra Baldwin | Submitted by: | James Griffieth | Date of Submission: | | Title of Assignment: | Ethics of Cheating | CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: By including this cover sheet, I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. I understand that papers submitted for this assignment will be processed through plagiarism detection software. The Ethics of Cheating ADM 545 James Griffieth Barry University Professor: Dr. Debra Baldwin 8 July 2013 The Ethics of Cheating Introduction In a 2008 survey that was sponsored by the Wall Street Journal of approximately 20,000 asked to participate from various countries around the world showed that what may seem to be cheating or unscrupulous business practices was considered allowable depending on culture (Hartman, p. 50). There however is growing concern in our society over the morality of cheating as it creeps into all aspects of the business world. The study completed by the Wall Street Journal showed that cheating is a world-wide issue and not centered on a certain culture or country. Hungry and Italy for example are considered to cheat the most in business, while Czech Republic, Netherlands, Spain and Russia don’t think there is much of an increase in cheating in business (Hartman, p.50). About fourty-eight percent of the participants did believe that there is more cheating on things like taxes than ten years ago (Hartman, p.50). The

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