Ethical Dilemma Essay

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Pick some ethical dilemma related to IS use. Ethical case: Watching pirated movies off of the internet – violates copyright terms and patents associated with the movie. Ch. 4 Q3 - Make a case for whether IS use in this instance is ethical using one of six principles. The IS use when it comes to watching pirated movies off of the internet is that performing the unethical deed requires the use of the computer. However, one of the six principles that allows for this, ethically, is Descarates’ Rule of change. This principle states that of am action cannot be repeatedly taken, it is not right to take at all. However, when it comes to watching pirated movies from the internet, this action is performed by almost the entire world who has access to the internet and has a computer. This means that if this action is being taken repeatedly, it is alright for everyone to take this action, which makes this action an ethical one. Ch 4 Q4 - Make an opposite case for why it is not ethical using another of the six principles. However, there is another principle of the six that makes this case of watching pirated movies an unethical deed. This is explained by the “no free lunch” rule, which states that if something someone else has created is useful to you, it means that it has value and the creator expects compensation for this work. The movies that are created by the producer and directors of the movie get compensation through the movie tickets that people pay to watch their creation (movie). In addition, they get it through the sale of their movies outside of the theatres. This is how they make money for the movie that they created, as it has value. However, the fact that people are watching it off the internet shows that people want to watch that movie and so, it has value as well – to the people and the movie itself. Therefore this shows that watching pirated

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