Esteban Trueba Character Analysis

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THotS Essay A narrator “is somebody who tells a story”, well at least that’s what the Encarta Dictionary says. When the point of view of the narrator is from more than one character it is dual narration, or two different narrators. Permitting the reader to be told the same story from two different perspectives, allows additional insight to the novel through the literary technique of foreshadowing. In addition to foreshadowing, Magical Realism takes its toll throughout this book. Being introduced to the same character in multiple circumstances furthers the reader’s familiarity with the characters. In The House of the Spirits (THotS) we are told a story from two narrative perspectives, those of Alba and Esteban Trueba. Through Esteban we encounter things through first person, experiencing his life we see firsthand and feel as he does. On the other side of the spectrum we are shown how Alba’s narrating from her grandmother’s journals, recalling events from her Grandmother Clara Trueba’s perspective consequently only allowing that we meet Alba towards the end of the book, where it then changes to Alba’s perspective. Foreshadowing is a vital tactic narrators use to explain or hint…show more content…
After Rosa, his fiancée dies he goes to Tres Marias in hopes of reclaiming the land and profiting from that. His sexual appetite however has a mind all its own. As soon as he arrives in Tres Marias he finds a young, innocent, virgin girl named Pancha, he scoops her up onto his horse and takes her into a more secluded patch of land where he rapes her with unnecessary brutality. “Before her, her mother – and before her, her grandmother – had suffered the same animal fate.” (Page 57 THotS) Esteban was the ‘patron’ of Tres Marias as was his father and grandfather. They had as Esteban raped young innocent women without even a second thought about their

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