Essay On Spartacus's Battle

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Armed with kitchen knives and skewers, a group (74 people) of gladiators broke out of their barracks (Capua Barracks). They believe he was from Thrace, and they were lead by Spartacus who wanted more than freedom for him and his party involved. After a succession of spectacular victories over the Roman army, his fame began to grow and local slaves flocked to join the run ways. It started off at 74 slaves, but grew to 60,000 by his decease which was (2 years of evading capture). The Roman army was defeated in humiliating ways by Spartacus, his leader was inspirational and his way to get out of the most impossible situations had the Roman army dumb founded. Crassus crucified the 6000 gladiators and the slaves. The rebels eventuated to around…show more content…
Roman writers stood in awe of Sparatcus’s courage that day. Romans soldiers barely get a mention. The battle, was long and strongly detested, loud, echoed, commanders might have to guess the course of action by dust clouds. His corpse was never found. Slave might have worn something plain and wouldn’t have worn gold and silver. He believed everyone was equal, he divided loot equally. He killed his own horse, so it didn’t keep on suffering. Crassus was denied a trophy of Spartacus’s arms. Crassus’s decision to crucify the remained people. Huge history of people being crucified, Alexander the great Persian Kings, this was something that hadn’t happened in such a mass amount at one time. 500 people a day crucified, 90 000 crucification s, the Romans used crucification, not just a way to kill their prisoners, dominance, fear. Rather than be heading, long statement to make, someone hanging for days/weeks/maybe even months, crucification tolerated them as a grim necessity. Revenge then deterrence, inflicted upon the people of Italy. Warning to Italy’s slave never to repeat that again, crucifying 6000 was expensive. He picked that road because so many people travelled past, some people may have seen it as a loss of investment as the slave was no use back o
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