Essay On San Joaquin Valley

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California’s San Joaquin Valley is one of the states top agricultural regions. It is 240 miles long and bordered by many mountain ranges. Eight counties compromise the San Joaquin Valley. Much of the problem in Americans most productive farm region is simply a function of its unusual geography and climate. Its bowl-like geography causes an entrapment of fog, air pollution and much of the horrible heat waves that are present during summer months. The San Joaquin Valley is hot and dry in summer with long, sunny days. Winters are moist and often blanketed with heavy fog. Due to San Joaquin Valley’s geography Tule fog is often a problem during the winter. Tule fog is a very thick fog that collects in parts of California during the rainy season of the late fall and winter. It has also been known to gather from Bakersfield to chico and occasionally in San Francisco. Tule fog is a type of radiation fog that is created due to the rising of warm air. The cold mountain air descends into the San Joaquin Valley and usually forms Tule fog on the first or second clear night after it has rained, skies are cleared and winds are light. This happens when high-pressure returns, creating an inversion with colder air near the earth's surface than aloft. This in turn causes moisture on the ground to condense into a low…show more content…
The Valley is particularly vulnerable to air pollution formation because of its topography, climate, and growing population. Surrounding mountains trap just about anything near the Valley floor where people live and breathe. The Valleys increasing population growth has caused the San Joaquin Valley to rank with Los Angeles and Houston in most measures of air pollution. In addition, the Valley’s hot, summer temperatures, transform car exhaust, manure gases and other emissions into a smoggy

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