Essay On Native American Honeybees

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The age of exploration came immediately after the arrival of Columbus to the Americas. During this era, there was an exchange of resources between the Americas and Europe that happened both intentionally and unknowingly. In this trade, there were both positive and negative effects partnered with the resources. In Jamestown, the townspeople knowingly, and unknowingly, made changes to the land around them that changed it forever. The settlers changed the New World significantly, mainly because to the production of tobacco and the introduction of new animals. Due to demand from Europe, colonists were driven to produce large quantities of tobacco, which quickly created disaster in the new settlement. Native Americans have grown tobacco for hundreds…show more content…
The worst impact among the animals the small, and seemingly harmless, honeybee. A shipment of new animals and plants was brought to the new world as a way to experiment on what would thrive in the unknown environment. Among these animals was the honeybee. Most bees stay in a general region pollinating only a select number of species. The European honeybees reside almost anywhere and pollinate almost anything in sight. They quickly made hives as they swarmed throughout America. These bees were of great importance to the British due to its pollination. Unknown to the British at the time, plants need to be pollinated in order to reproduce. Without these helpers, many of the crops brought by the English would have died out. The natives even thought of the bees as forbearers of doom, for wherever the honeybee was, the colonists prospered. The honeybee made it possible to plant European crops in the Americas, but also led to destruction of land and the removal of natives. Because the bees helped the crops, the land became unusable much faster, making the British travel further out in order to sustain their businesses. The migration out into the forests resulted in the destruction of that land and the removal of natives that lived there. The honeybee was indeed a major player in the ecological change that the continent

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