Essay On National Education Association

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National Education Association In 1857, one hundred educators come together to fight for public education. One hundred and fifty years later, public education and the profession of teaching are containing to change. In 1966 the United States joined forces with the American Teachers Association. Since then, the association now has 3.2 million members. They are giving every student the same chance as every other no matter of the family income or living conditions. Since its start, the National Education Association has been crusading for the rights of all educators and children. On a summer day in 1857, 43 educators met in Philadelphia, answering a national call to unite and talk about the cause of the national education. At that point in time, learning to read and write was a luxury for almost children. For colored children it was sometimes even a crime. Around 150 years later, the voice of the spreading Association had risen to represent 2.7 million educators, and what was once a privilege for a very few children was now a rite of passage for every child in America. Over the years, NEA has played a vital role in…show more content…
As a new century began, the growing Association would have a philosophical impact on schooling in America. The National Education Association continued to address major societal and educational issues of the times. NEA’s Department of Indian Education, which was established in 1899, studied how the government’s policy of segregating and conforming in the American Indian nations impacted their education. Indian children attended White-run reservation schools, or boarding schools, where they were methodically stripped of their language and philosophy. Lessons focused on vocational skills and American

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