Essay On Inequality In America

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Inequality can cause many problems when it comes to a country as a whole or even a relationship with only two people. Think of the last time you heard the word “inequality,” and now think of when it was last used in a positive way or to actually benefit more than just a specific targeted group of people. Usually inequality greatly benefits some, but commonly is negative for all. When you are thinking of a Nation as a whole, inequality is going to be more of a problem than in any way positive. Among any population of people it will be only a matter of time before causing major problems; problems that will grow to be unfixable and thus creating unavoidable change. Inequality and equal opportunity go hand in hand, life in America today is not fair. No matter what everyone says, equal opportunity is not something that America provides. Yes, in some instances a child can be raised in a financially unstable family…show more content…
Equal opportunity for Americans no longer exists. One of the things that made America so great was its large middle class. People enjoyed the chance and opportunity for all, giving them hope to move higher and gain more. When chances and opportunity for the majority of the population is at an all-time low, expect negative consequences in the upcoming future. The distribution of power and wealth is greatly skewed and has never been so off set. Americans overlook and constantly underestimate the level of economic inequality in the United States. “From 1949 to 1979, everyone benefited from the strong economy: the poorest 20 percent of Americans gained 116 percent in terms of their before-tax incomes, while the top 20 percent gained 99 percent. But this pattern changed in the 1970s. From
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