Essay On Hunger In America

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America Is Hungry Martin Luther King once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. Hunger, though it may not be widely known, is an ongoing issue in the United States. It is known everywhere that obesity is a huge problem in America, but the opposite is also true. Many people living in the United States, especially in the South, live in food conscious homes. No one should be in hunger in the United States. We have plenty of resources to feed anyone who needs to be fed here. There are different ways to go about getting food such as food stamps. There is injustice in hunger in the United States because with all of the resources available to us, the issue shouldn’t be present. There should be better and easier ways for people to access food when in need. A better system of food distribution should fix the unjustifiable issue of hunger in the United States. If hunger is not put to an end, it will only get worse. “We live in the world's wealthiest nation. Yet 14.5 percent of…show more content…
A lot of people will go to food banks even when they don’t need to because if people can get free food, they will. “Benefit levels can be substantial, far more than they might earn, so it’s a rational choice to stay on benefits, and to get the free food.”(Ewina Currie). Once people reap the benefits of food banks, they will stay on because they can, even after they get out of poverty. Food banks rarely have the resources to visit people at their homes, but if they did, they would find that many people living the opposite of a life in poverty. When people do this, they take food away from people who really need it. People who need food would be able to get much more if people didn’t take what they didn’t need. The injustice here is that people don’t get background checks periodically after their first one. This makes it so that they can get free food for as long as they want even when they don’t need

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