Essay On Canadian Identity

797 Words4 Pages
The Canadian identity isn’t something you can describe or explain in just one word, or one paragraph. Our identity does not come from one place or one thing; it comes from everything and everyone. From the west coast to the east coast and everything in between, this is what makes up who we are. People all over the globe have tried to define who we are and what our national character is, but in my opinion only a Canadian can describe what it’s like to be a Canadian. When someone thinks of Canada, they think of the Calgary stampede, the Quebec winter festival, the CN tower, or maybe even the flat plains of Saskatchewan. They say Canadians are generous, polite and say sorry a little too much, but this does not describe our identity. The fearless…show more content…
You go down to the states on the fourth of July, you could drive all across the country from the north to the south and the west to the east, there’d be fireworks and parties of all sorts, to celebrate their country. Now drive through Canada on the first of July, there will be gatherings, and a few fireworks, to celebrate our country, just because we don’t throw huge, elaborate parties doesn’t mean we don’t have pride in our country. We are very humble when it comes to talking about ourselves and our country. We celebrate a little everyday by taking pride in what may seem like the little things. Some will say hockey is the Canadian identity, some may agree or disagree, but those people could be right, sports is something so easy to take pride in, there’s nothing better than gathering with a few close friends and watching the world juniors knowing that half the country is glued to the TV cheering for the exact same thing you are. Something so simple but so unifying at the same time. Or going out for a walk in the park on a beautiful day, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the scenery, knowing you’re lucky to be from the great country you are from. This may not seem like we take great pride in our country but waking up every morning knowing there’s no place like home and the happy feeling you get when saying I am a Canadian is the best kind of pride you can have for a

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