Essay On Baby Storm

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Baby Storm is four months old; it lives in Toronto, Canada. Storm's parents are keeping the infant's sex a secret from everyone, but the immediate family and a handful of confidants in an effort to provide the child freedom to eventually decide on a gender identity, without the influence of societal expectation and narrow, traditional gender roles. Instead of dolls for girls and trucks for boys, Kathy Witterick and David Stocker have decided that "anything goes." A few months after his birth, only seven people knew what the baby's sex was. And two years later, only a small circle know if Storm is a boy or a girl. The family is a genderless home -- or at least the genders are fluid. The family isn't keeping a secret…show more content…
Jazz now prefers to go by the pronoun "she", which the family "honours". It was Jazz who inspired the family to seek an alternative way of bringing up their third child. They declared that that Storm would be able to assert his or her own gender when the time was right -- a totally personal choice. On the other hand, according to Dr. Harold Koplewicz, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, who says that, being secretive about a child's gender seems rather antithetical to this necessary process of developing an identity. Witterick and Stocker seem to be raising their three children in a kind of bubble by creating an expectation- free zone, which may be great for experimentation but doesn't help them develop the strength and confidence to be comfortable in the world inhabited by other children and adults. Indeed, their oldest boy, Jazz, who at 5 is often mistaken for a girl because of his penchant for wearing his hair in braids and sometimes donning a dress, apparently elected not to start school last year, though he is eligible, for fear of being teased. "People -- children and adults -- would immediately react with Jazz over his
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