Essay On Apache Tribe

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History The Apache Indian Tribe 9/13/10 The Apache originated from Canada but migrated to Texas. The modern-day Apache now live Oklahoma. There were many Apache groups. The Lipan, and the Mescalero are the main groups. The Lipan were from western Texas Hill Country. The Mescalero lived in western Texas, but then moved to present-day Mexico. The Apache had organized bands. They were for hunting, traveling, and for fighting. The bands were made up of families. The most trustworthy and strongest indian had to lead the groups. The groups usually lived very close to each other for celebrations, and defensive purposes. The Apache were skilled horse riders. They would use those skills to hunt buffalo and many other animals. They…show more content…
They would dress up their horses to reflect their owner’s honors. Most of their honors were how many kills they had in battle or how many horses were stolen. They would also draw arrowheads and thunder strikes in reflection the horse’s natural abilities. Although there was no fishing involved the Lipan would farm, which the other groups thought was odd. The crops consisted of beans, corn, pumpkin, and watermelons. They hunted deer, wild turkeys, foxes, bears, and mountain lions. They never hunted or ate snakes and prairie dogs because they were believed to be unsanitary. The Apache men would cut their hair very short on their left, but let the right side of their head grow longer. The men would tie a few decorations on their heads. The men would also wear deer skin shirts, and leggings and would plunk or pull out their elbow hair. Both the men and women wore earrings. The women would wear copper bracelets, deer skin skirts and boot top moccasians. The same went for the Mescalero group. The Apache often stole from their neighbors simply just for their goods. Texas Indians quickly feared them because they would raid the Pueblo and Spanish towns. However their rivals were the

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