Essay On American Lynching

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Kyle Gladden Prof.Coleman English 1102 American Lynching The practice of lynching has been part of American history since before America was a nation. To me lynching was not the key. Early victims included eccentrics guilty of being different, those who were accused or suspected of violating prevalent societal mores, and Native Americans of all ages and various tribal groups. Lynching was a thing of the south; however the north tried to keep it a secret. Few believed in it. Many lynchings were recorded from the north do to violent reasons. Causes & Motivating factors for racial? Lynching was noticeable in the Southern parts of the United States. In the south, people were blaming their financial problems on the newly freed slaves that lived around them. Lynchings would become a popular way of resolving some of the anger that whites had in relation to the free blacks. 73% of people lynched were black. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people was lynched. That is only 27.3%. Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and for domestic crimes. Was lynching the answer? African American were getting lynch for he say she say, because some of the facts don’t add up. Rape was one of the main reasons for black…show more content…
They murder people in Newburgh, New York. Newburgh officers arrested Robert Mulliner a black man for alleged rape of a Irish woman. Her named was Ellen Clark. The Irish forced their sleeves into the courthouse requesting that the judge release Mulliner. The judge denied the request, so the mob rushed the courthouse jail with axes and sledges. The mob graded Mulliner kicking him and pounding him as they carried him out. The Irish took him to a tree in the courthouse yard and lynched him. Reporters were on the sense, but no one was put in jail for the lynching of Robert
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