Essay On A Child Called It

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A Child Called “It” A Child Called “IT” is the heart wrenching story of a young boy named Dave Pelzer who was abused by his alcoholic mother from the age of four until he was removed at the age of twelve years old. Dave lived in a world of starvation, cruelty, and torture for eight years until his rescue by courageous school officials at the age of twelve. This poor boy was forced to wash the dishes, clean the bathrooms, all the while hoping he could get done quickly enough to avoid his mother's rage and have the opportunity to eat some breakfast. All that Dave was allowed were the leftovers of his brother's cereal. This horrific mother would isolate him from the rest of the family; then torment him; and nearly kills him through starvation, she would starve this child for as long as eight days at a time, poisoning and stabbing him, would beat him repeatedly, sent him to school in old, dirty and ripped clothing, prevent him from sleeping in his bed-forced him to sleep in a cold, damp basement while she slowly poisoned him with concoctions of ammonia and bleach. Dave’s mother’s primary goal was to challenge his survival skills. She wanted to beat him down physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This is why she would starve…show more content…
The lack of parenting led her to a lack of social stability led of course by her alcoholism. She was unable to maintain friendships due to her anger and insecurities. She also had a very strained relationship with her mother. She had no respect when communicating with her mother, husband, children or friends. Families of alcoholics are known to have increased domestic violence, divorce and child abuse. It is no wonder Catherine behaved this way as she herself was abused. Her past punishments for certain actions determined the actions she continued to pursue. She was exposed to this behavioral model; therefore, she found her behavior to be

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