Essay On 9/11 Conspiracy

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September 11: Government Cover Up or the Work of Islamic Terrorists? September 11th is a day no American will forget. Most of us remember where we were when we heard of this disaster. The people of my generation were very young when they first heard the news of this tragedy. In the hours following the disaster there were feelings of confusion, disbelief and terror. When the cleared from all of the media buzz and reports surfaced, they placed the blame on Islamic extremists and explained their motives behind the attack. Now, 10 years after this historic event and a thorough amount of research questions arise about how these events actually transpired. Oswald Mosley once said “Anyone who knows how difficult it is to keep a secret among three men - particularly if they are married - knows how absurd is the idea of a worldwide secret conspiracy….“. Yet, according to a Scripps-Howard poll 36% of those asked believe that the American government performed the 9/11 attacks themselves. What is it about conspiracy theories that captivates us so much? “Academics who study [conspiracy theories] argue that they meet a basic need: to have the magnitude of the cause behind it.,” explains Grossman “A…show more content…
“Images of the crash site show hardly any of the wrechage you would expect from a building that’s been rammed by a commercial jet…..And Pentagon employees reported smelling cordite after the hit, the kind of high explosive a cruise missile carries.” (Grossman) On the other hand “Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structured engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash….Kilsheimers eyewitness account it backed up by photos of plane wrechage inside and outside the building” (The Editors) If nothing actually crashed into the Pentagon, Kilsheimer and his crew would have had to been sworn to secrecy and even in on the conspiracy. The chances of that not leaking out are slim to
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