Essay for Sex, Lies, and Conversation

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Essay for “Sex, Lies and Conversation” Advancing from cave drawings and vague grunts, communication has come a long way and yet it still faces a variety of problems today. Conversation between same sexes or between members of the opposite sex has its own array of complexities and misinterpretations. Comprehension about how communication functions between children, within a marriage, and between members of the same gender is the basis of Deborah Tannen’s “Sex, Lies and Conversation.” An anecdote begins the essay with irony and juxtaposition between reality and actuality. In a social scene, a man is very talkative and his wife is quiet, but he makes it known that at home “’she’s the talker in [the] family… if she didn’t keep the conversation going, [they’d] spend the whole evening in silence” (50). Habits of conversation, such as this couple’s, and interaction begin in childhood and progress through adulthood. Mrs. Tannen analyzes what girls and boys seek during conversation and applies it to adult situations. Girls express “intimacy is the fabric of relationships,” notes Mrs. Tannen, and “women regard conversation as the cornerstone of friendship” (51). Creating a sensation of reciprocity and connectedness bonds young girls and women and is the underlying goal of their discussions. In contrast, young boys and men form attachments through actions instead of talk (51). A competitive atmosphere manners itself within the conversations of all-male groups and an alpha usually rises up and leads the topics. Neither gender is wrong in their habits, they simply do what they have been doing since the days of elementary recess, but those trends are very hard to break. Complications become most evident when men and women are put together in the same circle of conversation. Each sex expects a different reaction that they do not receive, which leads to dissatisfaction and

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